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Glossary of Terms for The White Eagle Teachings

The glossary contains terms which are referred to in the database documents and they could be used as search terms. However, search phrases must be contained within double quotes. For example "Holy of Holies".


In some of the introductory notes, especially to the Sunday Addresses, mention is made of individuals by reference to their initials. These are:

ACD  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  AJH   Ylana Hayward's son Jeremy Hayward.

AMI  Alison Innes stenographer typist and wonderful proof reader.

FW    Frank Wharhirst, Minesta's brother-in-law.  GEC   Grace Cooke (Minesta).

GMH Ylana's husband, Geoffrey Hayward.  IC  Ivan Cooke, Minesta's husband, also known as Brother Faithful.

JCH   Ylana Hayward's son Colum Hayward. JGH   Minesta's elder daughter Joan Hodgson.

MB    Marion Bumford, also known as Serena, beautifully presented scripts of many of the addresses.

SB     Susan Burdett sometimes called Sara an early stenographer.

WE    White Eagle. YGH   Minesta's younger daughter Ylana Hayward.


Originally, a term denoting an alchemist who had successfully accomplished the transmutation of base metal to gold. In the East and elsewhere later used to describe one who had achieved complete mastery over his own being – a common usage in spiritual literature.

Age of Brotherhood

Term sometimes used to denote the new, Aquarian, age which is now beginning.

Akashic Records

A compendium of all human events, experiences, thoughts and emotions, encoded in the ether (i.e. on the etheric plane).


Another term for Cathars, a gnostic Christian group persecuted in France in the 13th century.

American Indians

When these teachings were given, the term ‘Indian’ or ‘Red Indian’ was common parlance used to refer to Native Americans. The term ‘Native Americans’ has been a commonly accepted term since the 1960s, but there is still controversy regarding this and some groups still use the original term. It is, however, unlikely that White Eagle would refer to ‘Indians’ if speaking today.


The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis (AMORC), also known as the Rosicrucian Order, is currently the largest Rosicrucian organization in the world.

Aquarian Age

An astrological term denoting the period now beginning, during which the sign of Aquarius will dominate human life on Earth. The ‘ages’ are related to the period of the Earth’s precessional motion, one cycle of which lasts around 25,000 years, resulting in each of the twelve zodiac signs holding sway in turn for a period of a little over 2,000 years.

Astral Body

The human vehicle linked with the emotions and the world of dream-consciousness. (See also causal body, celestial body, etheric body.)

Bright Eyes

The name given to Grace Cooke by the Polaire Brotherhood, because of her exceptional clairvoyance.


A Sanskrit term meaning ‘enlighten’. The buddhic plane is sometimes defined as the realm of intuition and of the love-wisdom ray.


The place of Jesus's crucifixion.


A gnostic Christian group in France that were persecuted in the 13th century.

Causal Body

The highest of the human vehicles, which, as the name suggests, is the origin of all the others. (See also astral body, celestial body, etheric body.)

Celestial Body

The human vehicle which operates on the 'heavenly' plane, the vehicle next 'below' the causal body described above. (See also astral body, etheric body.)


This Sanskrit word literally translates to ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to centres in the etheric body through which there is a flow of spiritual energy (both ways). There are seven main chakras, situated at certain points along the (etheric) spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head.


A region of ancient Babylonia, noted for its mathematicians, scientists and astrologers.


The sacred cup used to hold the wine during (Christian) Holy Communion services.


A Sanskrit word meaning ‘disciple’.

Christed One

1.     (A ~) One who has achieved the level of being of Christ.

2.     (The ~) Jesus the Christ.

Christian Rosenkreutz

The man who led the mediaeval revival of the Rosicrucian brotherhood (See Rosicrucians).


According to the Cathars, the consolamentum was an immersion (or baptism) in the Holy Spirit. It implied reception of all spiritual gifts including absolution from sin, spiritual regeneration, the power to preach and elevation to a higher plane of perfection.

Cosmic Christ

Christ as the universal Light.

Cosmic Consciousness

A state of total awareness of the cosmos at every level, and especially of its unity.

Crux Ansata

Also known as the ankh, this was a form of cross much used in ancient Egypt in which the top arm is replaced by a circle.


[Non-physical] beings who work with the various kingdoms of Nature and 'oversee' its many life-forms.


There is no one meaning of ‘dharma’, but it is equated with the spiritual principles/laws governing all life, and in Buddhism refers to the teachings of the Buddha.

Divine Flame/Spark

The source of life and consciousness within all living things.

El Daoud

[The Book of El Daoud] An esoteric version of the Creation story.

Elder Brethren

A group of very highly evolved souls who, in accordance with the Will of God, direct the evolution of humanity. It is understood that this group is discarnate, but that individuals do incarnate when it is necessary.


One of the most famous prophets, whose life is described in the biblical Old Testament (mainly in the first and second Book of Kings).


A gnostic brotherhood who were living in the desert in Asia Minor around the time of Christ. It is believed by some that Jesus himself was of their number.

Etheric Body

The human vehicle that lies between the physical and the astral body (described earlier). (See also celestial body, causal body).

Everlasting Arms

A phrase taken from the Bible, to be found in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 33, verse 27, signifying God's constant support.


The typical or ordinary human being.

Evil One

Another word for the devil, or Satan.


Francis Bacon, regarded by many as one of the incarnations of the Master R (described below).

Fires of Gehenna

A metaphor for hell. Originally, Gehenna was the name of a valley near Jerusalem where pagan sacrifices took place.

God Men

The original, very highly evolved, visitors from other planets and parts of the universe who came to Earth at the beginning of its life to teach the young human souls how to live in accordance with God's law.

Golden Age

An age in which humanity has lived/will live in perfect peace and harmony.

Great Angelic Hierarchies

The Orders of angels as described in the Bible and theological literature generally, such as seraphim, cherubim, archangels etc.

Great Architect

God as the Builder of the universe.

Great Healer, The

Jesus Christ as healer.

Great Initiate

A term sometimes used to refer to certain Master souls such as Jesus, the Buddha and others.

Great Pyramid

The tomb of Cheops in ancient Egypt.

Holy Grail/Grail Cup

The chalice (described earlier) that was used at the Last Supper of Jesus and his disciples. Although originally a physical object, the name is used metaphorically to symbolize the goal of the spiritual quest as perfect communion with God.

Holy of Holies

The innermost sanctuary of the Hebrew temple, where God was considered to dwell.


 A lost continent in the far north.


Literally, the Illumined Ones, i.e. those who have achieved enlightenment.

Kilner Screen

In 1911 Kilner published one of the first western medical studies of the aura. Glass slides or ‘Kilner Screens’ were used as filters to train the eyes to perceive electromagnetic radiation outside the normal spectrum of visible light.

Knights Templar

Knights of a religious and military order, the Knights of the Temple of Solomon. They originated in Jerusalem in the twelfth century for the protection of pilgrims, but were later suppressed and disbanded.


A Sanskrit word denoting the creative force resident in the base chakra which during the course of evolution rises up the spine, eventually reaching the crown of the head and illuminating fully the entire being.


Named in the biblical New Testament, raised from the dead by Jesus Christ.

Lemuria and Mu

As is Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu are the names of lost continents.


In White Eagle’s language, the word ‘lodge’ denotes ‘home’, a place where people come for warmth, comfort and refreshment.

Logos (plural logoi)

An ancient Greek word meaning 'word'. Used in esoteric science to denote a spiritual being that informs (e.g.) a planet or star. The Logos (without an atttribution) denotes The Word – the Divine Source of all light and life, as in the first chapter of the gospel of St John in the Bible.

Lost Continents

The ancient continent of Atlantis and also applied to other such land areas as Lemuria, Mu and Hyperborea .


Mantram/Mantra - A Sanskrit word for a sacred utterance or group of words (which can be in any language).


(Free)masonary - White Eagle refers to masonry as a form of universal truth or teaching, with no specific reference to the freemasonry of today.

Master Masons

A masonic term for certain freemasons who have achieved a certain degree.

Master R

The master soul said to be behind the work of the White Eagle Lodge and a number of other spiritual and gnostic groups. Theosophists refer to the Master R as a Master of the Ancient Wisdom, also sometimes identified with the Comte de St Germain.

Masters in the Far East

White Eagle states that certain master souls dwell in the Himalayan regions, on Earth but remote from anything that would disturb their work.

Masters of the Seven Rays

The Master souls who 'head' the Seven Rays of Progress. These rays are, in effect, 'divisions' of the Christ Light, in the same way as the colours of the spectrum are 'divisions' which together form white light. All life evolves along these seven rays.


Refers to an ancient race that lived in part of what is now South America.

Mystical Marriage

The union of soul and spirit.

New Jerusalem

The City of God, as described in Revelation, the final book of the Bible.

North American Indian

At the time these teachings were given, the term ‘Indian’ or ‘Red Indian’ was common parlance used to refer to Native Americans.


The Sanskrit word for the vital force synonymous with the Divine Breath, or ‘chi’.

Prince of Darkness

A title used to denote Lucifer/Satan.


A mesoamerican incarnation of Jesus.

Recording Angel

The angel who assists the 'Lords of Karma' in their work administering the law of that name. (The spiritual law of karma is the law of cause and effect, which states that every action has a consequence.)

Red Indian

At the time these teachings were given, the term ‘Indian’ or ‘Red Indian’ was common parlance used to refer to Native Americans.

Rose Cross

The symbol used by the Rosicrucians, a rose blooming in the centre of a cross.


Also known as the Brotherhood of the Rose Cross. It was revived in mediaeval times, but White Eagle states that it dates back far, far further than that.

Rough Ashlar

A metaphor for the yet-fully-evolved human soul, the parts of ourselves we need to work on to improve and perfect.

Royal Arch

The gateway of initiation.

Saint John

Unless stated otherwise, this refers to the author of St John's gospel and the Revelation, also referred to by White Eagle as the teacher for the new [Aquarian] age.


Sanskrit word denoting a state of cosmic consciousness achieved by certain Yogis.

Second Coming

The 'second coming' of Christ, foretold in the Bible.

Second Death

Whilst the first death is the laying aside of the physical vehicle, the second death is when the soul undergoes, as White Eagle says: ‘…the leaving aside of the earth personality - he can enter the heaven world in full consciousness.’

Silver Cord

The connection between the incarnate human and its higher vehicles, the conduit which gives life and energy to the physical human being. During sleep it maintains the connection while the higher vehicles are out of the body; at death, the silver cord is severed, freeing the higher vehicles from the body.


White Eagle’s use of the term ‘sin’ is characteristic of the context of the 1930s and 40s during which most of the teachings were given; it does not imply condemnation. White Eagle is without judgement with regard to human behaviour and feelings; as he states: ‘the only sin is the violation of the Law of Love’.

Solomon's Seal

The legendary symbol of the ring of King Solomon, given to him by God, which had powers to command both good and evil spirits.

Soul Body

The human vehicle enfolding the spirit, containing the sum of all experience and learning achieved over many incarnations.

Sphere of Reunion

Level of life where those who have been divided from each other (usually by death) can meet again.

St John the Mystic

One of several names used for St John, the author of the gospel that bears his name, and of the Revelation.


A plane of life close to, but above, the physical, so called as it exists in a state of perpetual summer.

Sun People

Highly evolved beings from the Sun who came to the Earth long ago, in its infancy, to teach humanity how to live.

Temple of Solomon

The temple built by the king of that name, referred to in the Old Testament of the Bible.

The Comforter

Synonymous with the terms 'Holy Spirit' and 'Holy Ghost'; as referred to in St John's gospel in the Bible.

The Redeemer

Christ as the redeemer of humanity.


Literally, the wisdom of God; the theosophical movement began in the USA in 1875 and incorporates the study of esoteric and mystical truths.

Third Degree

The Third Degree is a rank of freemasonry.


The transfiguration of Christ is referred to in the biblical gospels, signifying a change of appearance which revealed the glory within.


A term used in alchemy to describe the process of turning base metal into gold, and in spiritual terminology its esoteric equivalent in human evolution.

Tree of Life

Referred to in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, it grew in the Garden of Eden.

Twelve Tribes of Israel

Referred to in the Biblical Old Testament, named after each of the twelve sons of Jacob.


Set, the Egyptian god who lured Osiris to his death, is sometimes identified with Typhon, who in Greek mythology was a serpentine giant who attempted to overthrow Zeus and was defeated.

Universal Brotherhood

The brotherhood that exists between all life in the universe by virtue of the fact that the spirit of God is within all life.

Vicarious Atonement

In mainstream Christian doctrine, taking on the suffering occasioned by the sins of others, as exemplified by Jesus Christ.

Wesak Festival

The Buddhist festival of Wesak honours Buddha’s birthday and is celebrated at the full moon in May. White Eagle normally links it not so much to the calendar month of May as to the period of the Sun-sign Taurus.

White Army

A group of (discarnate) 'spiritual warriors' who fight for right, truth and justice.

White Brother

White Eagle refers to his teaching as coming from the White Brotherhood in the heavens, and of his pupils as aspirants towards this Brotherhood. 'White should be taken as 'of the light'.

White Brotherhood

The White Brotherhood, White Eagle said, is a band of spiritual beings, gathered in the invisible and drawing closer to the earth. These unseen Brethren number many great and wise – saint and seer, angel and archangel. The term is sometimes also applied to those on Earth who have committed themselves to work with them. The word ‘white’ should be taken as ‘of the light’.

White Knight

An individual 'warrior' who fights for right, truth and justice.

Years of Fire

First mentioned by White Eagle in the nineteen-thirties, originally thought to refer to the period covered by the second World War, but may refer more broadly to the difficult years of transition between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius which is still taking place.


The founder of the religion of Zoroastrianism and sometimes known as Zarathustra. The religion originated in Persia and spread also to western India several centuries before Christ. In India, Zoroaster's followers are known as Parsees.